Tags: Humidifier | Rinaldis

Newborn Health: Do You Need a Humidifier or Dehumidifier?

Newborn Health: Do You Need a Humidifier or Dehumidifier?

November 21, 2022

Parents of newborns are justifiably concerned about optimizing everything in the baby’s environment from indoor air quality, to temperature to just the right amount of sensory stimulation. But what about humidity? Is it important to monitor baby room humidity? Maybe. Read on and learn about relative humidity in your home. Relative Humidity Relative humidity is …

Want To Stay Healthy Over Winter? Take Care of Your Humidifier

Want To Stay Healthy Over Winter? Take Care of Your Humidifier

January 14, 2014

Chilly winter days can be uncomfortable in Central Florida, but it can be even more uncomfortable and unhealthy inside the home due to dry indoor air and the viruses that proliferate in these conditions. Find out how maintaining optimal humidity through the heating months with a humidifier can boost comfort and provide a more healthful …