Why You Should Get an A/C Tune Up

Spring is a gorgeous time of year here in Orlando, but its arrival is a sign that sizzling-hot, humid weather isn’t far behind. To avoid any worries about your home comfort this summer, now’s the ideal time to get a jump on cooling system maintenance.
Here are a few other reasons why you should book your A/C tune up early this spring:
Shorter Wait Time
As the temperature starts to climb, reputable HVAC contractors will become more booked up with installations and maintenance calls. If you schedule your tune up ahead of the seasonal rush, you won’t have an extended wait for service or have to endure any discomfort if we get an early hot spell.
Season-Long Energy Savings
The condition of your cooling equipment directly impacts its energy consumption. When it’s inspected, cleaned, tuned up and any necessary adjustments are made before you switch it on, it can operate at maximum efficiency, which can help you save on your energy bills all season long.
Less Risk of Mid-Summer Breakdowns
Minor A/C issues tend to escalate into more serious and expensive problems if they’re not addressed promptly. When your technician is performing a spring tune up, they can identify any emerging issues, so you can have them fixed before they develop any further.
Less Chance of Emergency Service Calls
Getting minor problems taken care of also enhances the reliability of your A/C when it’s under a lot of stress in the summer. By getting a tune up in the spring, you’re less likely to have to call for emergency service mid summer.
Longer Equipment Lifespan
Operating an A/C that’s not clean or tuned up will shorten its service life. The opposite is true too – regular preventive care can extend the equipment’s lifespan, allowing you to postpone the inconvenience and cost of replacement.
Warranty Coverage Protection
If you have warranty coverage on your A/C, a spring tune up is a necessity to ensure you meet the manufacturer’s stipulation for yearly professional maintenance.
To book a spring A/C tune up for your Orlando home, contact us today at Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).