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Handling Dead Rodents in Your Ductwork

Handling Dead Rodents in Your Ductwork

By Bobby Rinaldi

Suspecting that you have a dead mouse in the ductwork sits high on the list of things homeowners never want to deal with, but it…
When to Consider a Condensing Furnace

When to Consider a Condensing Furnace

By Bobby Rinaldi

Condensing furnaces offer plenty of advantages over their traditional counterparts. Not only do they offer improved reliability and energy efficiency, but they also provide better…

Furnace Filter Arrows: What Do They Indicate?

By Bobby Rinaldi

Changing a furnace filter (actually, it's the same filter your air conditioner uses as well) can be confusing. Depending on where it's located, you may…

Getting Rid of Bad HVAC Habits

By Bobby Rinaldi

It's easy to develop bad habits. Most of us, if we're honest, can admit to plenty of them. But what about your HVAC system? Maybe…

5 HVAC Maintenance Needs for Fall

By Bobby Rinaldi

The new fall season is finally upon us and you know what that means - time to take care of your HVAC system! While it's…

Can Grilling Affect Your Home’s IAQ?

By Bobby Rinaldi

It's not summer without throwing something on the grill. A lot of people bring the grill indoors, barbecuing right in their kitchen. But be careful:…

Space Heater Safety Tips

By Bobby Rinaldi

A space heater can warm up a chilly spot in the house, but is it safe? About 25,000 home fires every year in the U.S.…

Proper Insulation and Your HVAC’s Efficiency

By Bobby Rinaldi

Few things affect HVAC efficiency as much as insulation does. Building codes require it and adding more is big business for home remodelers. Enough insulation…

Summer Attic Safety Tips

By Bobby Rinaldi

During the summer season, the idea of attic safety takes on a whole new meaning thanks to the rising temperatures. Luckily, you can stay safe…
vent moisture

Dealing with Moisture Around A/C Vents

By Bobby Rinaldi

The appearance of vent moisture around the HVAC system supply vents in one or more rooms may be unexplained but it is not uncommon. The…