What Benefits Can Modulating Furnaces Provide?

Homeowners who are searching for a new furnace have multiple efficiency options available. However, the best performance and highest efficiency can be found only in a modulating furnace. Here is a brief description of modulating furnaces and how they provide superior comfort along with excellent efficiency.
Furnace Types
There are three main types of furnaces available for residential use:
- Single-stage furnaces have only one setting for the flame that produces the heat. For this reason, these furnaces always run at a high level no matter how much heating is actually needed.
- Double-stage furnaces, sometimes called variable speed furnaces, have two different flame settings. These furnaces can run on a lower level when less heat is needed, consuming less fuel.
- Modulating furnaces have the ability to make incremental changes in the intensity of the heating flame. This allows the furnace to react very precisely to indoor temperature changes and thermostat settings. They can keep the interior of your home within a degree or two of the settings at the thermostat at all times. Modulating furnaces consume only as much fuel as needed and do not burn fuel at higher wasteful levels for long periods of time.
How Modulating Furnaces Work
Modulating furnaces contain a modulating gas valve that controls the smaller changes in fuel consumption. The valve ensures that the amount of fuel consumed by the furnace is limited only to what is needed to maintain the temperature settings you’ve programmed into your thermostat.
To make these types of furnaces even more efficient, they usually also come equipped with a variable-speed air handler, which is the fan and motor that pushes heated air into the ductwork and out inside your home. This type of air handler that can operate at two different levels, most often at a lower speed that conserves energy and boosts system efficiency.
Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions is a premier choice for HVAC services in Orlando and the surrounding areas in Florida. Contact us today for more information on modulating furnaces and how they can improve indoor comfort while saving you money at the same time.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Orlando, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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