Tags: circuit breaker | Rinaldis

Why Your A/C is Tripping the Breaker

Why Your A/C is Tripping the Breaker

June 27, 2017

On a typical hot Orlando day, the last thing you need is for your air conditioner to shut off unexpectedly. Yet that’s exactly what can happen if your air conditioner manages to trip its circuit breaker. Tripping the breaker isn’t a bad thing in of itself, primarily because it is your electrical system’s way of …

Tips on How to Winterize a Vacant Home in Florida

Tips on How to Winterize a Vacant Home in Florida

January 22, 2015

Winterizing a vacant home in Florida means that you’ll need to verify all critical functions of your home are operating as they should. Besides locking and sealing your home up tightly, consider these other helpful tips to prevent damage while you’re away. 

Keeping Your Outdoor A/C Clean is a Good Practice

Keeping Your Outdoor A/C Clean is a Good Practice

June 12, 2014

Keeping your outdoor A/C clean is a task that can be performed by the homeowner. If you keep your outdoor A/C clean, you will improve the efficiency of the unit and also safeguard yourself against untimely breakdowns. Breakdowns can occur when the A/C unit is dirty, and this may lead to expensive repair bills.