Tags: energy efficient equipment | Rinaldis

The 25C Energy Tax Credits: Not Much Time Left to Use Them

The 25C Energy Tax Credits: Not Much Time Left to Use Them

November 26, 2013

It’s important to keep your Orlando home comfortable year round, but it’s also important to save some money whenever you can. The 25C federal energy tax credits were retroactively reinstated at the beginning of 2013, for both this year and 2012, but they are expiring soon.

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

February 12, 2013

In these times of downsizing, many Americans are trying to cut costs and save money. Considering that the cost of keeping your home heated and cooled, as well as properly lit, can account for a significant chunk of your paycheck, it makes sense to conserve and economize wherever possible. Here are some ways you can …