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Installing A More Efficient Air Conditioner Filter: 5 Ratings You’ll Need To Know

Installing A More Efficient Air Conditioner Filter: 5 Ratings You’ll Need To Know

September 27, 2012

You can avoid indoor air quality problems in your Orlando area home by installing a more efficient air conditioner filter. To help you pick the right filter for your home, here are five air filter ratings you’ll need to know:

To Control Moisture In Your Orlando Home, Use This One Key Tip

To Control Moisture In Your Orlando Home, Use This One Key Tip

September 25, 2012

Excessive moisture in your Florida home can negatively affect its efficiency and, unfortunately, the problem is a common one. The good news is that you can control moisture by utilizing one simple piece of advice: seal your attic.

Energy Vampires: Don’t Let Them Overpower You

Energy Vampires: Don’t Let Them Overpower You

September 20, 2012

As our nation battles an energy crisis and utility costs keep rising, homeowners are continuously looking for ways to cut back on energy usage. While you may be checking twice to make sure that lights are off when you aren’t using them, you may not be aware of the silent energy vampires that are slowly …

What Your Noisy Air Conditioner Is Telling You

What Your Noisy Air Conditioner Is Telling You

September 18, 2012

Similar to the way an automobile will make clinking or clanking noises, or how a smoke detector will beep when  their batteries are getting low, the sounds coming from a noisy air conditioner can send homeowners a “help” signal when something is amiss with the system.

Ventilation And Insulation: Your Prescription For An Attic That’s Spiking A Temp

Ventilation And Insulation: Your Prescription For An Attic That’s Spiking A Temp

September 13, 2012

If your home has seemed a bit under the weather and your bank account seems a bit sickly this summer, you may be interested to learn that a lack of ventilation and insulation in your attic is “patient zero.” Throughout the warmer months, your attic is capable of reaching temperatures as high as 200 degrees, …

Refrigerant Huffing: Why You Need To Know About It

Refrigerant Huffing: Why You Need To Know About It

September 6, 2012

Refrigerant huffing is now the fourth most common substance abuse of teenagers. Its often-easy availability and quick high attracts youthful, naive experimenters. Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your central air conditioner and is installed in the system through ports in the outdoor compressor/condenser unit in your backyard. Removing a small amount of refrigerant through an …

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

August 28, 2012

Across America, residents spend nearly $12 billion on air conditioning every summer. As a central Florida resident, chances are good that air conditioning is responsible for well over half of your electric bills this summer. The key to lower cooling bills is a lower cooling load. If you want to avoid spending a lot of …

Troubleshooting An Ailing Air Conditioner

Troubleshooting An Ailing Air Conditioner

August 23, 2012

When you regularly use your home air conditioner over a long, hot Orlando summer, at some point you might experience a problem with the system. Neglected systems and even those that are serviced regularly can fail, because air-conditioning systems are manufactured with moving parts and electrical components.