Tags: high efficiency air conditioning | Rinaldis

How Your HVAC Contractor Will Tailor Your High-Efficiency Air-Conditioning System To Your Home’s Exact Requirements

How Your HVAC Contractor Will Tailor Your High-Efficiency Air-Conditioning System To Your Home’s Exact Requirements

September 13, 2011

What kind of air conditioning system does your central Florida home require?

New Lennox Rebates And Federal Tax Credits: Major Incentives To Upgrade Your Home-Comfort System This Summer

New Lennox Rebates And Federal Tax Credits: Major Incentives To Upgrade Your Home-Comfort System This Summer

August 30, 2011

There has never been a better time to switch your home over to a high efficiency air conditioning unit. The new models could cut your electric bill in half and right now you can collect almost $2,000 in rebates and tax credits.

Is This The Year For An Upgrade? Give High-Efficiency Air Conditioning A Try

Is This The Year For An Upgrade? Give High-Efficiency Air Conditioning A Try

July 12, 2011

You might have heard the term ‘high-efficiency air conditioning’ used here and there without knowing exactly how it’s different from standard central air. If your central air conditioning is in need of an upgrade, there are many reasons why a high-efficiency air conditioning unit would be a good choice: