Tags: spring maintenance | Rinaldis

Ways to Prepare Your HVAC for Spring

Ways to Prepare Your HVAC for Spring

March 14, 2019

Spring comes early in our part of the world. In fact, we sometimes use our air conditioners right through the winter, with the occasional switch to the furnace: all the more reason to get spring HVAC preventative maintenance. Spring is as good a reason as any to call your HVAC tech and schedule an appointment.

Why You Should Get an A/C Tune Up

Why You Should Get an A/C Tune Up

March 5, 2019

Spring is a gorgeous time of year here in Orlando, but its arrival is a sign that sizzling-hot, humid weather isn’t far behind. To avoid any worries about your home comfort this summer, now’s the ideal time to get a jump on cooling system maintenance.

Will Groundhog Day Affect Your Winter Heating?

Will Groundhog Day Affect Your Winter Heating?

January 31, 2019

Groundhog’s Day is coming up, which means we’ll soon find out whether or not we’ll have six more weeks of winter. Even if Punxsutawney Phil doesn’t see his shadow this year, it’s still important to pay attention to your home’s heating needs. Keep the following winter heating tips in mind so your Orlando home can …