Free tips

Understanding Solar Panel Efficiency Ratings
By Bobby Rinaldi
Using solar energy to help supplement or completely power your home's HVAC system is a cost effective option in the Orlando area since sunshine is…

Learn the Differences Between Fiberglass and Cellulose Insulation
By Bobby Rinaldi
In the Orlando area, proper insulation is essential to keep cooling and heating costs down. No matter the season, without proper insulation, you're throwing away…

Troubleshoot Your Water Heater Before Calling for Help
By Bobby Rinaldi
You depend on your water heater to provide for all of your hot water needs, including bathing, cooking and washing clothes and dishes. Many of…

Using UV Lights to Control Bioaerosols
By Bobby Rinaldi
Many industries, such as health care, food processing and water treatment plants, have been using UV lights to destroy biological contaminants to protect their facilities,…

Home Efficiency May Dictate a Heat Pump’s Balance Point Setting
By Bobby Rinaldi
For homeowners in the greater Orlando area, heat pumps are excellent heating and cooling systems, which may provide steady heat during the heating months and…

8 Benefits of Geothermal Heating and Cooling
By Bobby Rinaldi
The technology behind geothermal has evolved and improved over the last 50 years. Over one million business and homeowners across the United States have had…

Get Better Whole-House Performance with This Comprehensive Checklist
By Bobby Rinaldi
An energy-efficient home is of the utmost importance these days with the high cost of energy and the push to lower your carbon footprint. Creating…

Prioritize Home Safety This Year
By Bobby Rinaldi
Nothing is more important than home safety and winter is a good time in our region to address it. The three essential areas for safety…

Is Your Heat Pump Freezing Up? Call an Expert
By Bobby Rinaldi
Heat pumps come equipped with a defrost cycle that activates at specific times. Usually the defrost cycle is triggered by a timer at 30-, 60-…

Is Your Gas Bill Confusing? Learn Commonly Used Terms
By Bobby Rinaldi
Natural gas is a clean and efficient method for heating your home and fueling your appliances. When your gas bill arrives each month, you probably glance…

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink
By Bobby Rinaldi
In these times of downsizing, many Americans are trying to cut costs and save money. Considering that the cost of keeping your home heated and…

A Look At High-Performance Features On Today’s Furnaces
By Bobby Rinaldi
If the furnace in your Florida home is more than 15 years old, it's probably quite a bit less efficient than systems on the market…

Pricing Your Geothermal Installation: Key Considerations
By Bobby Rinaldi
Geothermal heating and cooling is an intriguing technology, but the initial cost can seem daunting. Equipment and installation of a ground-source geothermal system can exceed $10,000, depending…

Sealing Your Ductwork? OK, So What Are You Using?
By Bobby Rinaldi
Sealing your ductwork is one of the simplest ways to improve the efficiency of your Florida home's cooling and heating systems. But just sticking some…

The Energy Star Most-Efficient Label: It’s Even Better Than The Energy Star Logo
By Bobby Rinaldi
When you're shopping for HVAC equipment for your Florida home, looking for the Energy Star logo is a smart idea. These energy-efficient products cost less…

Your Forced-Air System: Are You Familiar With How It Works?
By Bobby Rinaldi
A ducted forced-air system is the type you'll find in most Florida homes, with a furnace and air conditioner or an air-source heat pump used…