Tags: energy efficiency | Page 2 of 8 | Rinaldis

How to Save Energy in Late Spring and Early Summer

How to Save Energy in Late Spring and Early Summer

May 15, 2018

You want to save energy and you try to save energy, but are you getting good results with lower energy bills? As summer arrives in the Orlando area, saving energy while maintaining a comfortable home is a daily labor for many homeowners — and not always a successful one. If this sounds familiar, use this …

Start the Year Off Right with Proper HVAC Maintenance

Start the Year Off Right with Proper HVAC Maintenance

January 9, 2018

If you want to keep your HVAC equipment in good working condition, it needs regular attention and care, and there’s no better time to get into the HVAC maintenance habit than the start of a new year. Here are some tips that you can implement right away to ensure that your home comfort equipment stays …

Lower Utility Bills With Lower Water Heater Temperature

Lower Utility Bills With Lower Water Heater Temperature

October 20, 2016

Water heater temperature has a direct impact on water heating costs. The average family in the U.S. with a gas-fired water heater spends over $350 a year for hot water. In many cases, they may be unaware that the thermostat setting on their water heater is higher than necessary or safe. Many water heaters come …

Does Your Attic Waste Energy and Money?

Does Your Attic Waste Energy and Money?

September 8, 2016

Hot air rises, and the top of your home naturally receives the attention of the sun. These two factors together make your attic space a potential energy challenge year-round: In the summer, the sun heats the air in your attic space with such an excess of heat that it radiates downward; and in the winter, …

Here’s What the Info on the EnergyGuide Label Means

Here’s What the Info on the EnergyGuide Label Means

August 23, 2016

Replacing a home appliance due to an irreparable failure or an expensive repair isn’t an easy process. You have to research many products and features, compare costs, and come to a reasonable decision to meet your needs. Whether you’re rushed to replace an HVAC system or it’s a planned upgrade, the information on the bright …

Keeping Your Windows Properly Maintained

Keeping Your Windows Properly Maintained

August 11, 2016

At Rinaldi’s Energy Solutions, we often get asked what homeowners can do to lower their energy bills. One of our favorite answers might surprise you. Most homeowners don’t think of their windows when it comes to energy efficiency, unless, of course, they’re considering opening them on a nice day to save on electricity. It surprises …

This is Why Insulation is Important in the Summer Months, Too

This is Why Insulation is Important in the Summer Months, Too

August 4, 2016

Trying to keep your home comfortable during the summer without sky-high cooling bills is difficult without adequate insulation in the walls and attic. Insulating materials are your only defense against the movement of heat, which constantly seeks cooler temperatures regardless of the season. In the summer, heat moves into your home, and in the winter, …

A Guide to Understanding the EnergyGuide Label

A Guide to Understanding the EnergyGuide Label

July 30, 2015

Before purchasing big ticket items like HVAC equipment or other home appliances, do your research. While you may be overwhelmed by the selection from a wide range of manufacturers and features, it’s easier to compare products than you think. The EnergyGuide label can tell you everything you need to know, but only if you know …

Simple Tips to Reduce Your Home’s Water Bill

Simple Tips to Reduce Your Home’s Water Bill

June 4, 2015

Although water is needed to sustain life, most Orlando homeowners could be a little more conservative with their usage. Day to day activities such as showering, laundry and dishwashing can take their toll on resources, but there are some simple steps you can take to prevent waste and reduce your water bill in the process. Here …