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Drain Cleaning: How It Can Improve Your Plumbing’s Performance

Drain Cleaning: How It Can Improve Your Plumbing’s Performance

March 28, 2013

The drain system plays an important role in the overall health of your home’s plumbing system. Water must have a clear and unobstructed path so it can be evacuated from our home after use. When your drains become clogged, water cannot drain properly, if at all, which can lead to an unhealthy situation inside of your …

To Improve Indoor Air Quality, Focus on These 3 Factors

To Improve Indoor Air Quality, Focus on These 3 Factors

March 26, 2013

Indoor air quality is important for your health and well-being, so why do we so often overlook how to improve it? If we live in a modern home, and we don’t see or smell anything, we might assume that the air we’re breathing is okay. However, the key is often to get your HVAC system …

Proper Humidification Can Help You Avoid the Flu

Proper Humidification Can Help You Avoid the Flu

March 21, 2013

Dry air in your Orlando home this winter will not only increase static electricity and possibly cause damage to wood floors, furniture and musical instruments, but it can also increase your chances for contracting the flu and other nasty viruses. Humidification in your home this winter is essential to your comfort and good health.

Understanding Solar Panel Efficiency Ratings

Understanding Solar Panel Efficiency Ratings

March 19, 2013

Using solar energy to help supplement or completely power your home’s HVAC system is a cost effective option in the Orlando area since sunshine is plentiful year-round. Solar panel efficiency not only maximizes the ample natural resource, but also reduces your home’s monthly utility costs. Here’s more information to help you determine if solar panels …

Learn the Differences Between Fiberglass and Cellulose Insulation

Learn the Differences Between Fiberglass and Cellulose Insulation

March 14, 2013

In the Orlando area, proper insulation is essential to keep cooling and heating costs down. No matter the season, without proper insulation, you’re throwing away hard-earned money on wasted energy. There are many different types of insulation available to homeowners. Fiberglass and cellulose insulation are the two most common types of insulation used in homes …

Troubleshoot Your Water Heater Before Calling for Help

Troubleshoot Your Water Heater Before Calling for Help

March 12, 2013

You depend on your water heater to provide for all of your hot water needs, including bathing, cooking and washing clothes and dishes. Many of the problems that occur with hot water heaters can be solved by the homeowner before calling for a repair technician to come out and fix it. Before you spend the …

Using UV Lights to Control Bioaerosols

Using UV Lights to Control Bioaerosols

March 7, 2013

Many industries, such as health care, food processing and water treatment plants, have been using UV lights to destroy biological contaminants to protect their facilities, product and occupants for many years. Find out how UV light technology can help protect you and loved ones from viruses, germs and bacteria and help protect your Orlando home …

Home Efficiency May Dictate a Heat Pump’s Balance Point Setting

Home Efficiency May Dictate a Heat Pump’s Balance Point Setting

March 5, 2013

For homeowners in the greater Orlando area, heat pumps are excellent heating and cooling systems, which may provide steady heat during the heating months and deliver refreshing cool air and dehumidification during the cooling months. However, to enjoy maximum heating and cooling efficiency, a heat pump’s balance point must be considered.

8 Benefits of Geothermal Heating and Cooling

8 Benefits of Geothermal Heating and Cooling

February 28, 2013

The technology behind geothermal has evolved and improved over the last 50 years. Over one million business and homeowners across the United States have had systems installed to date. If you’re still relying on fossil fuel as the main source of energy for your Orlando home, here are eight benefits of geothermal heating and cooling …

Get Better Whole-House Performance with This Comprehensive Checklist

Get Better Whole-House Performance with This Comprehensive Checklist

February 26, 2013

An energy-efficient home is of the utmost importance these days with the high cost of energy and the push to lower your carbon footprint. Creating an energy-efficient home allows you to enjoy lower energy costs and a more comfortable indoor atmosphere while the environment benefits from fewer greenhouse gases. Following the whole-house performance method will allow you to …