Tags: HVAC | Page 8 of 14 | Rinaldis

Cloudy Tap Water: What Does It Mean?

Cloudy Tap Water: What Does It Mean?

July 12, 2016

Cloudy tap water can be hard to ignore. We expect water from the tap to be crystal clear and any deviation from that definitely gets your attention. For the most part, however, colorless cloudy water from household plumbing isn’t something to worry about it. It may be less than aesthetic to look at, but in …

Questions to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace

Questions to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace

July 7, 2016

If you have a heating or cooling system that has been giving you trouble, you may be wondering whether it’s a better idea to repair or replace it. Here are some questions to consider when evaluating your options and deciding if you should repair or replace your HVAC equipment.

Preparing for Solar Installation

Preparing for Solar Installation

July 5, 2016

Solar installation is a standardized procedure that can be carried out efficiently by a team of experienced solar professionals. They install the benefits of solar power to residences like yours every day. You’ll start saving money from day one and, eventually, the savings will pay for the cost of your system. Preparing for solar installation …

Maximize Your Air Conditioner Efficiency This Summer

Maximize Your Air Conditioner Efficiency This Summer

June 14, 2016

Air conditioning bills can put a damper on summertime household spending, so it makes sense to do whatever you can to minimize those bills. Aside from the obvious solution – adapting to higher temperatures in the home – homeowners can take a variety of actions to improve air conditioner efficiency. When an A/C is operating …

Houseplants: How You Can Get Cleaner Indoor Air

Houseplants: How You Can Get Cleaner Indoor Air

June 9, 2016

Many of us take indoor plants for granted. They’re pretty and add character to a home, but that’s about all, right? Actually, they’re good for much more than that. A variety of houseplants also can help clean the air inside your home. Several years ago, scientists at NASA and several American universities found that certain …

Cooling Season HVAC Terms to Know

Cooling Season HVAC Terms to Know

June 7, 2016

As a homeowner, you’ll eventually have to communicate with an HVAC technician about your air conditioning system, either to schedule maintenance, arrange for a repair, or choose a replacement system. You can communicate much more effectively if you’re familiar with key HVAC terms related to air conditioning. Following are some of the most common:

Controlling the “Feels Like” Temperature in Your Home

Controlling the “Feels Like” Temperature in Your Home

May 26, 2016

Does your home often feel too chilly or warm when you’re running the HVAC system, but when you check the thermostat reading, it’s displaying what should be a comfortable temperature? The discrepancy you’re experiencing between the actual and “feels like” temperature is most likely due to high humidity and while it’s frustrating, it’s not uncommon …

Maintaining Attic Safety in Your Home

Maintaining Attic Safety in Your Home

May 24, 2016

Before you venture up into the zone above your ceiling, keep some basic attic safety tips in mind. Most people don’t spend a lot of time in the attic and aren’t familiar with its hazards. At the time of construction, attics are generally left in a rough, unfinished state. A number of safety issues you’re …

When it’s Time to Replace, Should You Buy the System or Only the Unit?

When it’s Time to Replace, Should You Buy the System or Only the Unit?

May 19, 2016

As a Central Florida homeowner, you rely on your HVAC system to keep your home cool and comfortable during the cooling months. When your A/C or heat pump breaks down or if it’s simply time for a replacement, you certainly want to make economical decisions. Read on to learn what’s involved when buying an HVAC …

Don’t Forget Your HVAC System During Spring Cleaning

Don’t Forget Your HVAC System During Spring Cleaning

May 3, 2016

Spring comes early in Florida but if you’ve already done your spring cleaning this year, don’t assume you’re all set. Many homeowners forget that HVAC spring cleaning is also necessary – that is, if you want your cooling system to operate efficiently and effectively throughout our long cooling season. Take these HVAC spring cleaning steps: