Tags: Lower Utility Bills | Rinaldis

How to Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing This Winter

How to Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing This Winter

January 20, 2015

The weather outside can be frightful and damaging, especially when it comes to your pipes. Your home’s plumbing is vulnerable to cold temperatures that can easily dip below freezing. When it gets this cold, your pipes may freeze solid. 

Don’t Question Your Home’s Efficiency — Get Answers with a Home Energy Audit

Don’t Question Your Home’s Efficiency — Get Answers with a Home Energy Audit

June 26, 2014

Is your home not staying cool in Orlando summers and warm in winters? Your home may not be energy efficient. Why question the energy efficiency of your home when you can easily get all the answers through a home energy audit?

WiFi Thermostats: Go Where and When You Want and Keep Control of Your Home’s Temperature

WiFi Thermostats: Go Where and When You Want and Keep Control of Your Home’s Temperature

April 8, 2014

One of the simplest ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home and make it more comfortable is to install a WiFi thermostat. Not only are these thermostats relatively inexpensive, but they will pay for themselves many times over during their lifetime.

Slay Energy Vampires Before They Suck Your Bank Account Dry

Slay Energy Vampires Before They Suck Your Bank Account Dry

March 18, 2014

Energy vampires are the little things that waste energy in your home. Often, these are overlooked but they may add up to as much as 20 percent of your monthly utility bills. Thankfully, most of these pesky suckers can be done away with quickly and easily.

Your Water Heater: Just a Few Minutes of Maintenance Can Add Years to Its Life

Your Water Heater: Just a Few Minutes of Maintenance Can Add Years to Its Life

August 13, 2013

A water heater can run for years, quietly doing its job in your home, before it ever shows a sign that something’s wrong with it. Because of this, many homeowners are not aware that doing a small amount of water heater maintenance every year can extend the life of your water heater and lower utility bills …

Caulking: How To Choose It, How To Use It

Caulking: How To Choose It, How To Use It

December 13, 2012

Air leaks in your home’s outer envelope decrease efficiency and waste energy dollars. As you pay to keep your Florida home warm or cool, the last thing that you want is air infiltration that increases your utility bills and wastes energy. However, there is an answer. Caulking is a quick, inexpensive way to seal gaps …

Low-Flow Toilets May Help Save Water, Lower Utility Bills

Low-Flow Toilets May Help Save Water, Lower Utility Bills

November 6, 2012

Are you looking for ways to upgrade your home so that you can be more energy efficient and save money on your utility bills? Well, did you know that, on average, approximately 14 percent of your home’s water use (inside and out) goes to flushing your toilet? That’s why an excellent energy-saving option is to …