Energy Savings | Page 6 of 6 | Rinaldi's Air Conditioning & Heating

Energy Costs Out of Control? Tips for Controlling Them

Energy Costs Out of Control? Tips for Controlling Them

June 6, 2013

With summer about to take hold in the Orlando area, your energy costs may be getting out of hand this time of the year. However, you can take some steps to make sure that you’re not paying any more than you have to.

Is Your Gas Bill Confusing? Learn Commonly Used Terms

Is Your Gas Bill Confusing? Learn Commonly Used Terms

February 14, 2013

Natural gas is a clean and efficient method for heating your home and fueling your appliances. When your gas bill arrives each month, you probably glance at it, tear off the stub and send in a check. If you’ve ever really looked at your bill, you may have been confused about the many abbreviations and terms …

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

February 12, 2013

In these times of downsizing, many Americans are trying to cut costs and save money. Considering that the cost of keeping your home heated and cooled, as well as properly lit, can account for a significant chunk of your paycheck, it makes sense to conserve and economize wherever possible. Here are some ways you can …

Low-Flow Toilets May Help Save Water, Lower Utility Bills

Low-Flow Toilets May Help Save Water, Lower Utility Bills

November 6, 2012

Are you looking for ways to upgrade your home so that you can be more energy efficient and save money on your utility bills? Well, did you know that, on average, approximately 14 percent of your home’s water use (inside and out) goes to flushing your toilet? That’s why an excellent energy-saving option is to …

Energy Vampires: Don’t Let Them Overpower You

Energy Vampires: Don’t Let Them Overpower You

September 20, 2012

As our nation battles an energy crisis and utility costs keep rising, homeowners are continuously looking for ways to cut back on energy usage. While you may be checking twice to make sure that lights are off when you aren’t using them, you may not be aware of the silent energy vampires that are slowly …

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

Lowering Your Cooling Load For Lighter Energy Bills

August 28, 2012

Across America, residents spend nearly $12 billion on air conditioning every summer. As a central Florida resident, chances are good that air conditioning is responsible for well over half of your electric bills this summer. The key to lower cooling bills is a lower cooling load. If you want to avoid spending a lot of …

Learn How To Read The Yellow Energy Guide Label Before You Buy

Learn How To Read The Yellow Energy Guide Label Before You Buy

August 7, 2012

The central Florida heat is tough on HVAC equipment. Your air conditioning can run from May through October with very few breaks. That means you’re paying a lot of money in energy costs, so when it comes time to replace your HVAC equipment, make sure you consult the Energy Guide label before you buy.

How An Attic Fan Fits Into an Overall Energy-Savings Strategy

How An Attic Fan Fits Into an Overall Energy-Savings Strategy

July 3, 2012

Energy costs continue to rise and homeowners constantly struggle to keep them under control. It pays to have an overall energy-savings strategy that includes a home energy audit, air-conditioner tune-ups and seasonal maintenance. Those are the obvious things, but something that isn’t so obvious is installing an attic ventilation fan.