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Is Your Heat Pump Freezing Up? Call an Expert

Is Your Heat Pump Freezing Up? Call an Expert

February 19, 2013

Heat pumps come equipped with a defrost cycle that activates at specific times. Usually the defrost cycle is triggered by a timer at 30-, 60- or 90-minute intervals. Some more expensive heat pumps also include a sensor that detects when frost is building up and then triggers the defrost cycle. Most of the time, the …

Is Your Gas Bill Confusing? Learn Commonly Used Terms

Is Your Gas Bill Confusing? Learn Commonly Used Terms

February 14, 2013

Natural gas is a clean and efficient method for heating your home and fueling your appliances. When your gas bill arrives each month, you probably glance at it, tear off the stub and send in a check. If you’ve ever really looked at your bill, you may have been confused about the many abbreviations and terms …

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

Cut Your Energy Consumption, And Watch Your Bills Shrink

February 12, 2013

In these times of downsizing, many Americans are trying to cut costs and save money. Considering that the cost of keeping your home heated and cooled, as well as properly lit, can account for a significant chunk of your paycheck, it makes sense to conserve and economize wherever possible. Here are some ways you can …

A Look At High-Performance Features On Today’s Furnaces

A Look At High-Performance Features On Today’s Furnaces

February 7, 2013

If the furnace in your Florida home is more than 15 years old, it’s probably quite a bit less efficient than systems on the market today. While your furnace could have an efficiency of less than 70 percent, high-performance systems available now have efficiency ratings as high as 99 percent. If you’re shopping for a …

Pricing Your Geothermal Installation: Key Considerations

Pricing Your Geothermal Installation: Key Considerations

February 5, 2013

Geothermal heating and cooling is an intriguing technology, but the initial cost can seem daunting. Equipment and installation of a ground-source geothermal system can exceed $10,000, depending on several factors. Keep in mind that you can take steps to lower that initial cost, and the high efficiency and longevity of geothermal make it an extremely attractive option …

Sealing Your Ductwork? OK, So What Are You Using?

Sealing Your Ductwork? OK, So What Are You Using?

January 31, 2013

Sealing your ductwork is one of the simplest ways to improve the efficiency of your Florida home’s cooling and heating systems. But just sticking some tape on the duct joints won’t do the job. For an effective, long-lasting seal and the greatest increase in energy efficiency, it’s important to use the right type of sealing …

The Energy Star Most-Efficient Label: It’s Even Better Than The Energy Star Logo

The Energy Star Most-Efficient Label: It’s Even Better Than The Energy Star Logo

January 29, 2013

When you’re shopping for HVAC equipment for your Florida home, looking for the Energy Star logo is a smart idea. These energy-efficient products cost less to operate than others, with no reduction in performance. These days, though, as many as 35 percent of products in some categories meet Energy Star qualifications. That makes it hard …

Your Forced-Air System: Are You Familiar With How It Works?

Your Forced-Air System: Are You Familiar With How It Works?

January 24, 2013

A ducted forced-air system is the type you’ll find in most Florida homes, with a furnace and air conditioner or an air-source heat pump used for both heating and cooling. While there are variations in how these systems work, the basics are fairly simple. Getting familiar with how your system heats and cools can help …

Are Unhealthy Fumes From Your Garage Getting Into Your Home?

Are Unhealthy Fumes From Your Garage Getting Into Your Home?

January 22, 2013

If you have an attached garage, it’s very possible that fumes from the garage are getting into your home. You certainly don’t want any of that unhealthy air in your living space. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep the fumes out of your home and ensure that your indoor air is safe.