Tags: HVAC installation | Rinaldis

Repair a Toilet Leak with These Quick Tips

Repair a Toilet Leak with These Quick Tips

June 17, 2014

Toilets that leak on a regular basis may not seem like a major concern, but a leaking toilet can really run your water bill up – not to mention the annoying sounds that can fill your home when you’re trying to sleep or just get some peace and quiet. A leaking toilet can also cause …

Your Guide to Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Reputable, Reliable

Your Guide to Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Reputable, Reliable

February 18, 2014

Installing, repairing and maintaining a home’s HVAC system requires considerable training and experience. When you’re hiring an HVAC contractor, you’ll also want to ensure that the one you choose is knowledgeable, reputable and reliable. Here is a basic hiring guide that can help you in your search.