IAQ – Indoor Air Quality | Page 3 of 10 | Rinaldi's Air Conditioning & Heating

The Most Important Areas of Your House for Ventilation

The Most Important Areas of Your House for Ventilation

February 16, 2017

You can’t have home comfort and health without reliable, effective heating and air conditioning, but that’s only part of the story. Modern homes, built more airtight than ever, also require effective air exchange to make sure indoor air doesn’t become stuffy, stale and unhealthy. This involves a combination of mechanical ventilation and strategically placed vents.

How to Control Dust All Over Your Home

How to Control Dust All Over Your Home

February 2, 2017

You don’t have to suffer from allergies to be affected or disgusted by common household dust. When you consider all of the possible ingredients in dust, however, such as dead skin cells, dust mite parts, mold spores, fiberglass, vermin waste particles and more, controlling dust in your Orlando home becomes quite important. Following are great …

How You Can Be Affected by Indoor Humidity

How You Can Be Affected by Indoor Humidity

September 6, 2016

Humidity is familiar to all residents of Orlando, but did you know that it can have effects on your health and your home’s integrity? Whether your indoor air is too damp or too dry, it might be affecting you more than you know. Here are some of the effects of mismanaged humidity, and how you …

Houseplants: How You Can Get Cleaner Indoor Air

Houseplants: How You Can Get Cleaner Indoor Air

June 9, 2016

Many of us take indoor plants for granted. They’re pretty and add character to a home, but that’s about all, right? Actually, they’re good for much more than that. A variety of houseplants also can help clean the air inside your home. Several years ago, scientists at NASA and several American universities found that certain …

Helpful Allergy Season Tips

Helpful Allergy Season Tips

May 5, 2016

  With spring arriving in most of the country, allergies will be in full bloom. Here in Florida, unfortunately, with trees, flowers and other flora blooming for most of the year, we hardly ever get a break from so-called spring allergies. Plus, we’re susceptible to most of the other allergy triggers common in other parts …

How You Can Control Pollutants in Your Home

How You Can Control Pollutants in Your Home

March 22, 2016

A major urban center like Orlando gives us plenty of air pollutants to worry about. Even so, the air quality in your own home could be worse than outdoors. If you want to clean up your air, there’s a lot you can do.

Understanding the Basics of Heat Recovery Ventilators

Understanding the Basics of Heat Recovery Ventilators

January 19, 2016

A heat recovery ventilator brings balance to the increasingly important issue of home ventilation. More than ever, an effective ventilation system is vital to healthy indoor air quality.

Is Air Filtration the Same as Air Cleaning?

Is Air Filtration the Same as Air Cleaning?

December 17, 2015

Do you keep your windows closed most of the time? Preventing indoor air from being replaced with outdoor air leads to a decline in indoor air quality. Many people find recycled air to be difficult or even dangerous to breathe, thanks to the accumulation of dust and other airborne particles. Here are a few suggestions …

Improve Comfort by Installing a Dehumidifier

Improve Comfort by Installing a Dehumidifier

December 10, 2015

Orlando’s humidity levels are above 50 percent for the majority of the year, well above the ideal range of 30 to 50 percent. Staying cool in this muggy air requires using a dehumidifier along with air conditioner. Here are some reasons to choose a whole-house dehumidifier for your home:

How Can You Tell If Your Home Has a Humidity Problem?

How Can You Tell If Your Home Has a Humidity Problem?

October 15, 2015

Indoor humidity levels affect air quality, and too much or too little moisture in the air can also affect items within the home and the home’s structure itself. To protect your home, as well as your health, you should keep humidity balanced and under control. Here are ways to determine if you have a home-humidity …