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UV Lights Are Efficient Air Purifiers if You Change Bulbs on Schedule

UV Lights Are Efficient Air Purifiers if You Change Bulbs on Schedule

March 25, 2014

Take a quick look around and you’ll find a number of products available that are designed to help you improve your home’s indoor air quality. One of the most effective of these are UV lights, which you may not even be aware of. With proper installation and scheduled changing on the bulbs, these lights can …

Slay Energy Vampires Before They Suck Your Bank Account Dry

Slay Energy Vampires Before They Suck Your Bank Account Dry

March 18, 2014

Energy vampires are the little things that waste energy in your home. Often, these are overlooked but they may add up to as much as 20 percent of your monthly utility bills. Thankfully, most of these pesky suckers can be done away with quickly and easily.

Professional Duct Cleaning: Why It’s Worth the Time and Cost

Professional Duct Cleaning: Why It’s Worth the Time and Cost

March 13, 2014

If you or your family members are experiencing health or allergy issues related to dust, mold or other allergens, it may be time to consider getting an air duct cleaning. While every home is different, there are certain situations where bringing in an HVAC specialist to clean the ductwork in your home would be worthwhile. 

Consider a Zoning System to Balance Uneven Temperatures in Your Home

Consider a Zoning System to Balance Uneven Temperatures in Your Home

March 11, 2014

Temperatures inside the typical home may vary significantly from room to room due to unbalanced airflow and any number of heat gain/loss issues. This leads to higher energy bills and disagreements over thermostat settings. If any of this sounds familiar, consider the benefits of a zoning system to ease the wear on your energy budget, …

Proper Humidification Boosts Comfort, Health in Your Orlando area Home

Proper Humidification Boosts Comfort, Health in Your Orlando area Home

March 6, 2014

The winter season brings dry indoor air, which is further exacerbated by your forced-air heating system, creating a drop in indoor relative humidity. If you are concerned about comfort and health issues in your Orlando area home as a result of low humidity levels, consider the many benefits whole-house humidification brings.

Solar Energy: Is It Ideal for Your Orland area Home?

Solar Energy: Is It Ideal for Your Orland area Home?

March 4, 2014

Everyone is looking for ways to save money these days. In today’s economy, a wise consumer also will look for ways to be more energy efficient. Not only will this save money, but it also helps to protect the environment. One way to do this is to utilize solar energy, which is gaining popularity around …

Preventative Maintenance: Learn Just How Vital It Is for Your HVAC System

Preventative Maintenance: Learn Just How Vital It Is for Your HVAC System

February 27, 2014

There’s a reason why the HVAC industry is so focused on HVAC inspections and preventative maintenance. It’s the single most important thing homeowners can do to increase energy efficiency, optimize HVAC equipment lifespan, and enjoy improved whole-house comfort and air quality.

5 Indoor Air Quality Tips for a Healthier, Less Dusty Home

5 Indoor Air Quality Tips for a Healthier, Less Dusty Home

February 25, 2014

If you have a nagging cough, constant allergies or your home is always dusty, poor indoor air quality may be the culprit. Modern homes are made to be airtight to save energy on heating and cooling, but this allows dust particles and other pollutants to build up in your home. Here are five ways to …

An HVAC Maintenance Agreement: What Should It Cover?

An HVAC Maintenance Agreement: What Should It Cover?

February 20, 2014

Although you may think that taking out a service agreement for your Orlando area home’s heating/cooling system is like buying an extended warranty for your vehicle and not really worth the expense, nothing could be further from the truth. The biggest difference is that extended warranties aren’t any good unless something goes wrong.  With an …

Your Guide to Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Reputable, Reliable

Your Guide to Hiring an HVAC Contractor Who’s Reputable, Reliable

February 18, 2014

Installing, repairing and maintaining a home’s HVAC system requires considerable training and experience. When you’re hiring an HVAC contractor, you’ll also want to ensure that the one you choose is knowledgeable, reputable and reliable. Here is a basic hiring guide that can help you in your search.