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Tips for Safeguarding Against Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

Tips for Safeguarding Against Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

July 8, 2014

Carbon monoxide (CO) is something that every homeowner should be worried about. This deadly gas is also odorless and colorless, which makes it impossible for humans to detect. There are, however, some tips you can follow for safeguarding against carbon monoxide.

Preventive Tips to Keep Roots Out of Your Sewer

Preventive Tips to Keep Roots Out of Your Sewer

July 3, 2014

When landscaping your property, it is very important to think about what you’re planting as you don’t want to end up having to dig roots out of your sewer. Removing root blockages in sewage pipes can be an expensive exercise, and prevention is best.

A/C Blowing Hot Air? It May Need a Refrigerant Charge

A/C Blowing Hot Air? It May Need a Refrigerant Charge

July 1, 2014

Orlando summers can be unbearably humid, and an air conditioner that doesn’t cool your home properly can be a big headache. Keeping your air conditioning system running at maximum efficiency when it is blowing hot air may only mean getting a refrigerant charge.

Don’t Question Your Home’s Efficiency — Get Answers with a Home Energy Audit

Don’t Question Your Home’s Efficiency — Get Answers with a Home Energy Audit

June 26, 2014

Is your home not staying cool in Orlando summers and warm in winters? Your home may not be energy efficient. Why question the energy efficiency of your home when you can easily get all the answers through a home energy audit?

Use the WaterSense Label as a Guide for Your Plumbing Fixtures

Use the WaterSense Label as a Guide for Your Plumbing Fixtures

June 24, 2014

Use the WaterSense Label as a Guide for Your Plumbing Fixtures  Would you like to reduce your water consumption at home? If your answer is yes, you should take a close look at the WaterSense label on your plumbing fixtures. The label will give you an indication whether the fixtures are water-efficient.

You May Be Overworking Your A/C — Reduce It’s Load with These Tips

You May Be Overworking Your A/C — Reduce It’s Load with These Tips

June 19, 2014

Summer temperatures mean that if you’re home during the day you’ll likely need to run your A/C, even if you do all the right things like leaving your windows open during the coolest parts of the evening and use efficient ceiling fans to cool your home. Unfortunately, if you’re running your air conditioning during the …

Repair a Toilet Leak with These Quick Tips

Repair a Toilet Leak with These Quick Tips

June 17, 2014

Toilets that leak on a regular basis may not seem like a major concern, but a leaking toilet can really run your water bill up – not to mention the annoying sounds that can fill your home when you’re trying to sleep or just get some peace and quiet. A leaking toilet can also cause …

Keeping Your Outdoor A/C Clean is a Good Practice

Keeping Your Outdoor A/C Clean is a Good Practice

June 12, 2014

Keeping your outdoor A/C clean is a task that can be performed by the homeowner. If you keep your outdoor A/C clean, you will improve the efficiency of the unit and also safeguard yourself against untimely breakdowns. Breakdowns can occur when the A/C unit is dirty, and this may lead to expensive repair bills.

Anti-Scalding Devices Can Be an Added Benefit to Your Home

Anti-Scalding Devices Can Be an Added Benefit to Your Home

June 10, 2014

In healthy adults with no skin complications, third-degree burns can occur after about five minutes in a shower of 120-degree Fahrenheit water. The elderly, young children and the infirm burn much more readily at the same temperature. In fact, because these individuals and children have thinner, more delicate skin, scalding can occur in half the time …

Don’t Let Common Plumbing Problems Wreck Your Summer

Don’t Let Common Plumbing Problems Wreck Your Summer

June 5, 2014

There are certain kinds of common plumbing problems that occur in summer and don’t really turn up at any other time of the year. Keeping a watchful eye out for the situations that lead to these summertime problems can help avert an inconvenient loss of service and a whopping plumbing bill as well. Here are some …